Consultancy: Development of a Simplified Guide

The Africa Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP), in collaboration with the Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII) and the Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition (GACC), is implementing a governance-focused project under the support of the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) thematic cluster. This project aims to foster stronger citizen engagement in governance and anti-corruption discourse, particularly during the 2024 election cycle in Ghana.

Corruption continues to be a critical threat to Ghana’s socioeconomic development, eroding trust in public institutions and hampering both economic and political progress. In light of this, various political parties have included anti-corruption initiatives in their manifestos ahead of the 2024 elections. However, many citizens struggle to understand these proposals due to their complex language and structure, which prevents meaningful engagement with the content.

GII, leading the implementation of this specific component, seeks to bridge this gap by producing a simplified guide on the anti-corruption initiatives presented in these manifestos. This tool will empower citizens with clear, digestible information, helping them assess the commitments made by political candidates and actively participate in holding these leaders accountable during and after the elections.

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Conduct Baseline Assessment of Climate Policy

The primary objective of this consultancy is to conduct a comprehensive baseline assessment
to evaluate the current level of knowledge, awareness, and uptake of climate policies among
citizens in the targeted districts. The findings will provide a benchmark for measuring the
project's progress and impact over time.
Specifically, the assignment seeks to:
1. Conduct a detailed assessment of the current level of awareness and understanding of
climate policies among at least 500 citizens in the targeted districts, establishing a
baseline for knowledge gaps.
2. Measure the current level of engagement and implementation of climate policies by
citizens in the selected districts, identifying at least three key areas for improvement by
2025; and
3. Analyse the involvement of local stakeholders, communities, government agencies,
civil society organizations, and the private sector in climate governance, social
accountability documenting at least five significant barriers to participation
4. Based on the findings, deliver a comprehensive report by September 30 with
actionable recommendations to enhance citizen knowledge, policy uptake, and
stakeholder involvement, aimed at improving overall climate governance in the targeted

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The overall objective of the assignment is to develop concrete policy recommendations for enhancing higher transparency and accountability in the governance of land, and effectively tackling land corruption in Ghana. Specifically, the assignment seeks to:
1. Analyse the adequacy of the existing legal and policy framework for detecting, preventing and addressing corruption in the land sector in Ghana.
2. Identify the existing gaps in the country’s legal and policy framework, as well as its levels of implementation/ enforcement, for dealing with land corruption; and
3. Based on the analysis, propose recommendations to the relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies as well other organs of the State in the land sector for detecting, preventing and addressing land corruption.
The recommendations will be used by GII to advocate for a more transparent and accountable land governance in Ghana. The policy recommendations will be disseminated to various national and regional actors and published on the TI website.

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Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII), the leading anti-corruption Civil Society Organisation in Ghana, which is the Ghana Chapter of Transparency International, has launched a search for an Executive Director.

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The Objective of this assignment is to engage a Consultant to develop a manual for community engagement on migration related violent extremism and terrorism. The manual will provide guidance on how to effectively engage with communities on the issues of violent extremism and terrorism which are not only internal but migration related.

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Consultant to Review GII's Capacity Needs

The objective of this consultancy is to conduct a capacity needs and sustainability assessment for the organization, to identify opportunities for both organizational and individual enhancement, in order to facilitate the successful hosting of the Alliance for Integrity hub in Ghana. The capacity assessment should, at a minimum, include an examination of the following areas: stakeholder engagement and network development strategies, communication and fundraising strategies, monitoring and evaluation framework, and information technology systems.

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